HSE Centre for African Studies Launches E-Governance Knowledge Sharing Hub

29 March 2023

Under the Russia-Africa e-Governance Knowledge Sharing Programme HSE Centre for African Studies has launched E-Governance Knowledge Sharing Hub publishing analytics and reports on e-Government development in Africa, as well as on relevant Russian projects that have already been successfully introduced on the continent. The Hub is to ensure the format of knowledge sharing and the exchange of experiences of deploying e-Government solutions between African countries and Russia.

Thirteen E-Government Overviews have already been published in Russian, covering e-Government development in Algeria, Angola, Ghana, Guinea, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Kenya, DR Congo, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and South Africa, with the aim of expanding the collection of the Overviews and providing their English translations. Risk-profiles of the African countries as well as analytics on priority sectors of the African economies are to be published in both English and Russian. 

The Hub will also provide a register of Russian projects implemented in Africa, beginning with IT and e-Governance sectors, allowing to become acquainted with solutions and their developers. A news feed with up-to-date information about events, the Programme’s implementation and results, and experts’ comments and statements to the media is to be available on the site as well. 

Apart from the aforementioned, some of the Programme’s contents can be integrated into the Hub architecture making it an e-Governance handbook for African civil servants who complete the course under the Programme.

The target audience of the Knowledge Sharing Hub includes African civil servants, heads of executive and legislative authorities, their deputies along with experts and social activists. It can also be of interest for developers seeking to provide their solutions to African markets, students planning to work in business or government entities in Africa (economists, business analysts, managers, lawyers).