African Countries E-Gov Challenges & Solutions


E-Gov institutions in Africa: Ways of wielding public authority
ICT and e-Government strategies of African countries

Consistent and powerful modernization requires coordination of stakeholders’ actions and projects to ensure that their initiatives do not interfere with one another or other sectoral plans and to avoid redundant efforts. This is especially critical in the case of transforming an extensive government apparatus with multiple public bodies, each having their own interests and priorities. Mindful of the challenge, governments and regional organizations around the world introduce digitalization and e-government implementation frameworks.

Collaborative regulation of e-Governments in Africa

With the adoption of new technologies the need to ensure consistent regulation of emerging sectors arose. Since Africa has no rudimentary regulations dating back to the infancy of the digital sphere, it has the opportunity to establish an enabling legal environment for e-governance building on the world’s best practices. Collaborative regulation is considered the international practice of latest generation allowing to bring together all stakeholders.

Standards and requirements for effective e-Governance

Standards and guidelines allow to ensure the ICT sector operates within an enabling environment, while duplications are avoided and services and systems are delivered in high quality.

Monitoring and performance evaluation of e-Government systems
Regulating use of open-source software in e-Governance in Africa

Open-source software can reduce costs and allow greater interoperability. However, its utilisation should be regulated to ensure compliance with security requirements.

E-Trustbusters: Competition regulations of digital markets in Africa

The importance of data in the modern economy can allow tech giants to exert influence up to the point of ‘data colonialism’, indirectly regulating even non-digital markets, sometimes resorting to internet-for-all initiatives as a cover. This articulates the need for modifying antitrust regulations in line with the changing market rules. Digital markets have their specific features complicating antitrust regulations.

International frameworks and African IT sector


Securing funding for e-Governance projects in Africa

Available sources of funding, justification of expenses required for digitalisation of public services, economic benefits for the state.

Public-Private Partnership in e-Governance projects in Africa
International financing for African e-Govs: A remedy with side-effects?


Building e-Governments in Africa: reliable ICT infrastructure as the cornerstone

The African telecommunications sector is rapidly developing, being largely driven by both regional and international private companies. Nevertheless, vast areas of land are not yet covered with communication networks, and a significant number of the population still lacks access to adequate and fast internet connection and electricity.

Reliable, secure and adequate telecommunications infrastructure is essential not only for the successful development and implementation of e-government platforms, but also for increasing citizen engagement and ameliorating service delivery.

  • Russian solutions: T8
  • African solutions: cases from Madagascar, Mauritius and Tunisia
Renewable energy for stable electricity supply in schools

As power shortages interrupt learning processes, impede children’s access to information and deprive staff of using effective learning management systems, off-grid solutions, in particular those using renewable sources, can provide reliable and stable electricity supply for schools.

Accessing e-services: availability of electronic devices in African countries
Technological dependency of African e-Governments: Hardware


Cybersecurity and e-Government systems in Africa: Growing number of cyberattacks

The digital transformation of government services in Africa, aimed at enhancing efficiency and accessibility, has inadvertently exposed governmental systems to an increasing risk of cyberattacks. Recent incidents highlight the vulnerability of e-Government platforms across the continent, threatening not only national security but also international relations.

Government data leakages and cyber hygiene among civil servants
Technological dependency of African e-Governments: Software
Data localization for cyber sovereignty in Africa


Every African counts: e-ID initiatives in Africa
Every vote counts: e-Elections in Africa
Countering resistance to change: Raising citizen awareness and incentives for using e-services
  •  The role of technology perception. Digital culture and digital literacy of public servants, approaches to training in digital skills.
  • Regulations and incentives for promoting the use of digital public services. Informal stimuli and promotion.
E-Participation in Africa: Engaging society for informed and collaborative decision-making
  • Regulatory standards and incentives for processing feedback and inspection tools.
  • International and Russian practices of digital citizens participation.


Breaking down silo mentality: Challenges of integration and data sharing among government systems in Africa

The integration of e-government systems and services leads to reduced costs, more efficient use of resources, elimination of redundancy and inefficiencies and improved overall performance of public service, thus stimulating the use of e-government services. Emerging interdepartmental services like social security also increase the demand for interoperability between information systems and shared databases. In turn, the disintegration of e-government systems and services hinders citizens’ access to public e-services.

Government data exploration, mining and usage for better governance and public service delivery
  • Industry data management models. Institutionalisation of data management, risks, barriers, experience from the agricultural sector, transport, healthcare.
  • Data exploration and analysis practices, standards for staff trainings.

Sectoral Services

Internet of Environment: IoT VS environmental hazards

As climate change progresses, African countries are on the front lines of encountering its devastating consequences. IoT tools can facilitate adaptation to the changed environment and strengthen the resilience to the increasingly unpredictable natural hazards. Furthermore, strengthening environmental monitoring and control systems is an indispensable means to preserve the sovereignty of countries in environmental management and enable the grounded decision-making on the national level.

Digital systems to monitor safety and authenticity of goods in African markets

Markets on the African continent suffer from low level of government control over dissemination of illicit goods and counterfeits, especially in product categories like pharmaceuticals, tobacco, alcohol, drinking water, etc. Whilst all this poses significant threat to the well-being of citizens and creates barriers to tax base expansion, digital marking, e-services and systems for inspection of goods allow to enhance control and monitor safety.

Geospatial Information for E-Gov in Africa: Unlocking Africa's Geospatial Potential for Mining

Mineral extraction stands as a cornerstone of economic development, yet it grapples with pressing challenges, including environmental degradation, social conflicts, and regulatory compliance. In response to these complexities, the integration of digitalization and geospatial technologies has emerged as a transformative approach.


Geospatial Information for Wildlife Conservation

Africa’s rich biodiversity plays a pivotal role in its ecological balance, cultural heritage, and tourism industry. However, the continent’s wildlife faces numerous challenges, including habitat loss, poaching, human-wildlife conflicts, and climate change. Geospatial technologies have the potential to address these challenges through innovative conservation initiatives across Africa.


Responsible and ethical AI in Africa: Core issues and current regulatory landscape

As the African continent is in the initial phase of AI development, implementation of the necessary regulatory frameworks is crucial to mitigate the potential related risks. Among the potential menaces are data biases, human rights violations and privacy issues.

The potential of AI in enhancing education quality in Africa

Smart Cities

Smart Cities: Digital solutions for urbanization in Africa

The African continent is experiencing fast urban development. According to the UN, by 2030 Africa will comprise 94 cities with a population of 1 to 10 million people and six with more than 10 million people. Nevertheless, rapid urbanization is not always linked to economic development, if caused by the expansion of informal settlements. Spontaneous and unplanned urbanization entails a range of challenges that inevitably impact the urban environment.

Innovative solutions for sustainable energy consumption in African Smart Cities